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8 Amazing Pantry Organization Ideas

Most of us can probably agree that our pantry organization has seen better days, right? Pantries seem like a good idea at first, but before long they can become the kitchen’s equivalent of a disorganized closet. 

If your pantry is headed in that direction, check out our list of helpful tips and inspiration that could help you remake your pantry into an organized haven.


| Adjustable Shelving |

Give your kitchen wall a flexible organization system with a unit that lets you adjust the shelves to always fit your needs.


| Light & Bright Organization |

 This clean and bright pantry is great with its mix of baskets, bowls and white and clear jars. Mix it up in your own space with an all-white backdrop.


| Pantry Drawers |

Take your pantry shelves one step further by adding some drawers to avoid having to rummage through the entire shelf. 



| Pantry Cupboard |

Create a baking command center with a pantry cupboard full of jars, containers, and all your measuring spoons.



| Free Printable Hand-Lettered Pantry Labels |

It’s all in the details. Hand-lettered labels give this pantry a well-designed appeal. (via The Creativity Exchange)



| Compartmentalize Containers |

Take your pantry to the next level by organizing your containers by size and shape. This will give your pantry and clean and uniform look.

| The Shoe Rack Hack |

Hang your organizer on the back of your pantry door for a little bit of extra storage. The pockets are great for holding popcorn bags, nuts or packages of rice and pasta.



| Farmhouse Pantry |

Give your pantry a charming, rustic appeal with wood shelves and glass jars that’ll add some warmth to the space.